Solve real-world problems

您将与行业领导者建立联系,并与有成就的教师合作,掌握从基础编程到专业主题(包括计算机网络)的高度相关课程, operating systems, cybersecurity, 编程移动设备和大数据分析. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to helping you succeed academically and professionally.

就业 Opportunities

We are currently hiring for an adjunct faculty.



我是博士. Abdullah Arslan. Welcome to the 计算机科学与信息系统系, which was established in the early 1970s and is deeply rooted in the rich history of computing. Computer 科学 is crucial for humanity’s advancement, impacting every aspect of our lives. 这门学科在技术创新方面处于领先地位, particularly in the transformative field of artificial intelligence (AI). 的 study of computer 科学 empowers us to shape industries and revolutionize society.

Your journey into computer 科学 promises to be intellectually stimulating, 具有挑战性且回报丰厚. We are here to guide and support you as you embrace the limitless potential of computer 科学, 突破你的界限,为一个充满持续创新和个人成长的未来做好准备. Together, we drive the transformative power of computer 科学 to shape the world. 计算机科学学位为各种职业打开了大门, 从软件开发到尖端的人工智能研究.


Explore Our 项目


本课程将为您在计算机和信息技术领域的各种应用做好准备. 有很强的编程基础, database technology, data structures, 计算机网络和应用程序开发,你将拥有作为一名成功的应用程序分析师所需的技能和知识, 数据分析师, data scientist, information systems management and other information technology fields.

Computer Science (BS)

A degree in computer 科学 will equip you with the essential skills for a modern world. Career fields include, but not limited to, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, programming/coding, computer 网络, cyber physical systems, digital forensics, operating systems, mobile programming, data analytics, database systems, machine learning and research.

Computer Science (MS)

计算机科学硕士学位将帮助你为职业就业或晋升做好准备, 研究机会和博士学习. 我们的项目提供了与全球著名科学家和工程师接触的机会,在这个快速发展的领域发展先进的专业知识.

Cybersecurity (BS)

从我们在布莱恩的RELLIS校园的扩展教学网站获得网络安全学士学位, 德州. 在德克萨斯州和其他地区,对合格网络安全人员的需求超过了训练有素的专业人员的供应! 扩展您的计算机和网络系统安全知识,准备加入全国增长最快的网络相关就业市场之一.

Faculty 关注的焦点

Abdullah Arslan, Ph.D.

I enjoy creating, comprehending, 并简化创造性工作,使其易于理解, 欣赏,…

Jinoh Kim, Ph.D.


Sang Suh博士.D.

I like numbers. 我喜欢逻辑. I like 科学 … I have always thought of becoming a scientist who c…

新闻 关注的焦点s

Student Organizations

Epsilon Delta Pi

该组织通过促进计算机科学专业的发展来鼓励计算机科学的卓越发展, 对表现出专业成就和品质的计算机科学家给予认可,并支持他们共同努力,将感兴趣的学生联系在一起.


计算机协会 is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, 科学, 信息技术工程与应用. ACM通过促进信息的公开交流和促进最高的专业和道德标准,服务于专业和公众利益.



作为一名计算机科学和信息系统的学生, you have access to a wide range of scholarships specific to your degree, including opportunities for new graduate students starting the MS in Computer Science program in Fall 2024.


我们的计算机科学和信息系统教师很高兴通过研究发展你的知识和技能. Opportunities are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. We encourage you to discuss any research interests with your professors.

德州 Cyber-Range

的 德州 Cyber-Range provides a sandboxing environment to develop, test and simulate cyber threat vectors and attacks according to specific requirements.

nsf - system (CSAC)奖学金项目

CSAC S-STEM奖学金计划支持对计算机应用感兴趣的学术天才学生的保留和毕业,以促进社会进步. 该计划旨在支持课程和课外计划的发展和实施,以提高学生在计算机方面的成功和专业准备. 进一步, 学者参与计划的学生活动将增强我们对有效教学的理解, research activities and retention strategies in the disciplines.


网络安全指的是实践的使用, 保护系统的技术和流程, 网络, 软件和硬件组成, 以及来自恶意攻击和威胁的数据. 研究 is ongoing in the areas of information systems security, network security, cloud computing security, application security, data security, 移动设备安全和数字取证.

Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems are characterized by the integration of computing, 联网和控制技术,智能监控, analyze and control physical systems equipped with 软件和硬件组成. 研究的重点是发现问题, designing algorithms and developing solutions to enable more convenient, 安全, 有弹性的, robust and reliable systems. 研究课题包括物联网, edge commuting, location-aware services, 无线/移动壁炉和智能交通系统.

Big Data and Data Analytics

大数据是一个描述各种用户和设备随时随地产生的大量数据的术语. 技术 innovations, advances in communication, 价格实惠的用户设备都为大数据带来了新的机遇和挑战. 研究 is being conducted in the areas of scientific data management, data analytics, 数据模型, data retrieval and reduction, data integration and database.

Artificial Intelligence

人工智能涉及到这项研究, design and implementation of intelligent agents to model and reproduce natural intelligence. 该领域的研究包括基础和应用主题,包括知识表示, machine learning, swarm intelligence, game and decision theory, 数据挖掘和自然语言处理.


机器人和自主系统用于各种环境和应用,如电力线检查, automotive manufacturing, 建设, 精准农业和应急救援. 机器人和自主系统结合了计算, 传感, 通信和驱动,在复杂多样的环境中执行一系列智能操作. 研究ers at A&移动商务 investigate autonomous driving 传感 and perception, human-computer interaction, 以及运动规划和控制.

Meet our Department

Meet Our Team

Meet Our 兼职 Faculty

Meet Our 研究生 Grader


  • Santanu Mishra,德克萨斯州奥斯汀Pluralsight公司战略和运营高级副总裁
  • 沙市达, Vice 总统, Software Development at Oracle Fremont, California
  • Osman Koyuncu,加州圣地亚哥高通公司工程总监
  • Dr. Kaan Onbilger,移动和安全架构师,ADP,罗斯兰,新泽西州
  • Dr. Cemil Azizoglu, Software systems engineer with an emphasis on Graphics, AMD, San Antonio, 德州
  • Oktay Yildiz,大西雅图地区Sound Transit IT经理
  • Jithendar Anandan, Senior Software Engineer, Doosan GridTech, Seattle, Washington
  • Rohini Chandra Dorbala, Software Engineer & 计算机科学家,谷歌,山景城,加州
  • 画DeHaas, Computational Genetics Programmer, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
  • 猎人风暴猎人风暴,斯科茨代尔,亚利桑那州
  • 唐纳德可能, L3Harris, Greenville, 德州
  • Cameron Johnson, L3Harris, Greenville, 德州
  • 塔米玉米巴黎地区医疗中心,巴黎,德克萨斯州
  • Scott Haberstroh, L3Harris, Greenville, 德州
  • Pratyush Kotturu, BDIPlus,纽约,纽约
  • Shawn Dickson,雷神公司,沃尔瑟姆,马萨诸塞州
  • Dr. Murat Karaorman, AI Strategy and Innovation Lead, True Digital Surgery, Santa Barbara, California

We are here to help!

计算机科学与信息系统系 :: 联系


  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务, TX 75429-3011
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